Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009


Dua Sukhoi Dilock Missile

Sukhoi 27SK dan 30Mk TNI AU

Berita dihari jumat siang ini sangat mengagetkan berbagai pihak, sampai saat saya menulis artikel ini banyak teori-teori bermunculan berkenaan dengan berita dua pesawat Sukhoi 30mk2 kita dilock (multiple lock kah?) oleh sesuatu yang tidak diketahui.. Mulai dari teori yang masuk akal, sampai dengan pernyataan yang merendahkan pilot kita dan teknologi yang dimiliki Su-30Mk2.

Saya akan bercerita sedikit tentang proses lock terhadap sebuah pesawat, ketika radar pesawat A mengidentifikasi pesawat B, ketika proses identifikasi ini terjadi maka “perang” jamming akan terjadi, pesawat B akan memancarkan gelombang untuk “menutup” mata radar pesawat A dan radar pesawat A juga akan melakukan hal yang sama. Hal ini dilakukan pesawat A untuk mengidentifikasi pesawat B, sementara pada pesawat B akan muncul informasi yang menyatakan sumber radar apa yang mengidentikasinya (bisa dari pesawat, SAM dan kapal laut atau unknown apabila tidak dapat diketahui sumber radarnya) serta arah darimana radar itu berasal, cara membaca radar tersebut juga muncul di MFD pesawat A. Ketika pesawat A berinisiatif menghancurkan pesawat B maka pilot pesawat A akan meng arm kan (mengaktifkan) missile yang dibawanya setelah itu radar akan mengunci dan di pesawat B akan muncul bunyi tit..tit..tit… yang artinya pesawat B sudah dikunci oleh rudal pesawat A. Kondisi pesawat B inilah yang dihadapi oleh 2 Su-30 Mk2 kita tadi pagi.
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February 20, 2009 Posted by adiewicaksono | Catatan Pribadi, TNI AU | , | 2 Comments

TNI AU Akan Cek Seluruh Radar Sukhoi


Jakarta- Panglima Komando Operasi TNI Angkatan Udara (Pangkoopsau) II Marsekal Muda Yushan Sayuti mengatakan, pihaknya akan mencek seluruh sistem radar peringatan (Radar Warning System) pesawat Sukhoi SU-30MK2.

Ketika dikonfirmasi ANTARA News di Jakarta, Jumat, ia mengatakan, pihaknya akan mengecek segala kemungkinan menimpa pesawat Sukhoi yang sedang berlatih tersebut.

“Apa pun kemungkinannya akan kita cek. Mulai dari sistem radar pesawat sampai kemungkinan ada pihak asing yang me-”lock” pesawat tersebut,” katanya, menambahkan.

Yushan mengemukakan, kerusakan atau `trouble` pada sistem radar pesawat mungkin saja terjadi baik di pesawat tempur buatan barat maupun timur. Jadi, meski pesawat tersebut sudah diuji coba dan hasilnya negatif, tetap ada kemungkinan saat latihan sistem tidak berjalan baik sebagaimana mestinya.
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February 20, 2009 Posted by adiewicaksono | TNI AU | , | No Comments

Dua Sukhoi Lanud Hasanuddin Dikunci Missile

sukhoi TNI AU

MAKASSAR- Dua pesawat Sukhoi SU-30 milik TNI AU dikunci missile pihak tidak dikenal ketika berlatih intersepsi udara di wilayah udara pesisir selatan Sulawesi Selatan, Jumat (20/2). Alarm missile lock kedua pesawat berbunyi secara tiba-tiba, tetapi kedua pesawat canggih yang dibeli dari Rusia itu tidak bisa mengenali siapa pihak yang mengunci mereka dengan tembakan missile.

Komandan Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Marsekal Pertama Ida Bagus Putu Dunia, ketika dihubungi di Makassar pada Jumat, menjelaskan, di masing-masing pesawat yang sedang berlatih itu terdapat instruktur terbang dari Rusia yang sedang melatih dua penerbang tempur TNI AU. Kedua instruktur itulah yang menyatakan alarm berbunyi karena pesawat di-lock missile. “Saya menerima laporannya sekitar pukul 09.00 WITA,” kata Putu.
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Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

Alat Untuk Tuna Netra

Bagi tuna netra, huruf braile adalah perantara yang dapat membantu mereka untuk membaca dan mengaktualisasi diri. Tapi bagaimana jika tuna netra ini tidak mampu membaca huruf braile? Semisal ia sebelumnya dapat melihat dengan normal dan karena suatu hal ia menjadi buta. Tentunya penderita ini belum sempat belajar membaca huruf braile? Iya kan??
braile intepreter

Nah.. Untuk membantu penderita tuna netra dengan kondisi diatas, desainer Hyung Jin Lim merancang sebuah alat untuk “membaca” huruf braile dengan mudah. Cara menggunakannya cukup dengan memasang alat ini pada jari telunjuk penderita. Untuk membaca, tombol power harus dinyalakan terlebih dahulu. Baru setelah itu tinggal dilewatkan diatas hurf braile yang akan dibaca.
membaca huruf braile
Alat ini terdiri dari dua bagian yakni yang dipasang di jaritelunjuk dan satu lagi yang dipasang sebagai earphone.

Saat bagian pembaca telah menscan huruf braile, informasi tersebut diteruskan kepada bagian pemancar yang berapa di lengan. bagian ini menterjemahkan hurf braile yang di scan dan merubahnya menjadi informasi suara.

Suara yang dihasilkan bisa didengar melakui earphone yang terpasang di telinga setelah ditransmisikan melalui bluetooth oleh pemancar di lengan tadi.

Sekalipun alat ini baru sebatas desain, namun memberikan banyak harapah kepada para penderita tuna netra yang tidak bisa membaca huruf braile agar tetap bisa menikmati informasi.

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viral marketing

Viral marketing

Contoh bisa klik disini

Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of pathological and computer viruses. It can be word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet.[1] Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or even text messages. The basic form of viral marketing is not infinitely sustainable.

The goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to identify individuals with high Social Networking Potential (SNP) and create Viral Messages that appeal to this segment of the population and have a high probability of being passed along.

The term "viral marketing" is also sometimes used pejoratively to refer to stealth marketing campaigns[2]—the use of varied kinds of astroturfing both online and offline to create the impression of spontaneous word of mouth enthusiasm.


The term Viral Marketing was coined by a Harvard Business School professor, Jeffrey Rayport, in December 1996 article for Fast Company The Virus of Marketing. [3] The term was further popularized by Tim Draper and Steve Jurvetson of the venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson in 1997 to describe Hotmail's e-mail practice of appending advertising for itself in outgoing mail from their users.[4]

Among the first to write about viral marketing on the Internet was media critic Douglas Rushkoff in his 1994 book Media Virus. The assumption is that if such an advertisement reaches a "susceptible" user, that user will become "infected" (i.e., sign up for an account) and can then go on to infect other susceptible users. As long as each infected user sends mail to more than one susceptible user on average (i.e., the basic reproductive rate is greater than one), standard in epidemiology imply that the number of infected users will grow according to a logistic curve, whose initial segment appears exponential.

Among the first to write about algorithms designed to identify people with high Social Networking Potential is Bob Gerstley in Advertising Research is Changing. Gerstley uses SNP algorithms in quantitative marketing research to help marketers maximize the effectiveness of viral marketing campaigns. In 2004 the concept of Alpha User was released to indicate that it had become now possible to technically isolate the focal point members of any viral campaign, the "hubs" who are most influential. Alpha Users can today be isolated and identified, and even targeted for viral advertising purposes most accurately in mobile phone networks, as mobile phones are so personal.

In response to its use, many sites have started up trying to describe what viral marketing is.

Notable examples

  • The Ponzi scheme and related investment Pyramid schemes, are an early and unfortunate example of viral marketing. In each round, investors are paid interest from the principal deposits of later investors. Early investors are so enthusiastic that they recruit their friends resulting in exponential growth until the pool of available investors is tapped out and the scheme collapses.
  • Multi-level marketing popularized in the 1960s and 70's (not to be confused with Ponzi schemes) is essentially a form of viral marketing in which representatives gain income through marketing products through their circle of influence and give their friends a chance to market products similarly. When successful, the strategy creates an exponentially growing network of representatives and greatly enriches adopters. Examples include Amway and Mary Kay Cosmetics.
  • BusinessWeek (2001) described web-based campaigns for Hotmail (1996) and The Blair Witch Project (1999) as striking examples of viral marketing, but warned of some dangers for imitation marketers. [5]
  • Burger King's The Subservient Chicken campaign was cited in Wired as a striking example of viral or word-of-mouth marketing. [6]
  • In 2000, Slate described TiVo's unpublicized gambit of giving free TiVo's to web-savvy enthusiasts to create "viral" word of mouth, pointing out that a viral campaign differs from a publicity stunt.[7]
  • Launched in 2002, BMW Films was among the earliest viral marketing campaigns. It attracted nearly 55 million viewers and helped to elevate the career of Clive Owen.
  • Cadbury's Dairy Milk 2007 Gorilla advertising campaign was heavily popularised on YouTube and Facebook.
  • The Big Word Project, launched in 2008, aims to redefine the Oxford English Dictionary by allowing people to submit their website as the definition of their chosen word. The viral marketing project, created to fund two Masters students' educations, attracted the attention of bloggers worldwide, being featured on Daring Fireball and Wired Magazine. [8]
  • The 2008 film Cloverfield was first publicized with a teaser trailer that did not advertise the film's title, only its release date: "01·18·08." Elements of the viral marketing campaign included MySpace pages created for fictional characters and websites created for fictional companies alluded to in the film.
  • The release of the 2007 concept album Year Zero by Nine Inch Nails involved a viral marketing campaign, including the band leaving USB drives at concerts during NIN's 2007 European Tour. This was followed up with a series of interlinked websites revealing clues and information about the dystopian future in which the album is set.
  • In 2007, World Wrestling Entertainment promoted the return of Chris Jericho with a viral marketing campaign using 15-second cryptic binary code videos. The videos contained hidden messages and biblical links related to Jericho, although speculation existed throughout WWE fans over who the campaign targeted.[9][10] The text "Save Us" and "2nd Coming" were most prominent in the videos. The campaign spread throughout the internet with numerous websites, though no longer operational, featuring hidden messages and biblical links to further hint at Jericho's return.[11][12]
  • In 2007 The New York Times' advertising columnist Stuart Elliott wrote about a business-to-business viral campaign for a software company, showing that viral advertising has application in areas outside of consumer marketing.[13]
  • In 2007, Portuguese football club Sporting Portugal integrated a viral feature in their campaign for season seats. In their website, a video [14] required the user to input his name and phone number before playback started, which then featured the coach Paulo Bento and the players waiting at the locker room while he makes a phone call to the user telling him that they just can't start the season until the user buys his season ticket. Flawless video and phone call synchronization and the fact that it was a totally new experience for the user led to nearly 200,000 pageviews phone calls in less than 24 hours.[citation needed]
  • claimed that a 25-year old virgin living in Toronto named Geoff needed five million hits on his website in 30 days in order for Jenn, one of his very hot platonic female friends, to help him lose his virginity.
  • Early in its existence (perhaps between 1988 and 1992), the television show Mystery Science Theater 3000 had limited distribution. The producers encouraged viewers to makes copies of the show on video tape and give them to friends in order to expand viewership and increase demand for the fledgling Comedy Central network. During this period the closing credits included the words "Keep circulating the tapes!"[citation needed]
  • The marketing campaign for the 2008 film The Dark Knight combined both online and real-life elements to make it resemble an alternate reality game. Techniques included mass gatherings of Joker fans, scavenger hunts around world, detailed and intricate websites that let fans actually participate in "voting" for political offices in Gotham City, and even a Gotham News Network that has links to other Gotham pages such as Gotham Rail, a Gotham travel agency, and political candidate's pages. The movie also markets heavily off of word of mouth from the thousands of Batman fans.
  • Both the second and third games in the Halo series were preceded with viral marketing in the form of an alternate reality game.
  • "will it blend - the founder of blendtec, Tom Dickson, blends various items in a blendtec blender

Viral expansion loop

A viral expansion loop is similar to viral marketing with one notable difference: viral marketing can't be replicated indefinitely, while a viral expansion loop must be in order for it to exist.[15] When properly conceived and implemented, a viral loop almost guarantees self-replicating growth. Companies that have attempted to utilize viral loops to their advantage include social networking engine Ning, and viral loops power many Web 2.0 icons, including Twitter, Orkut, PayPal, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Digg and Flickr.


  1. ^ "USAToday: Viral advertising spreads through marketing plans". June 23, 2005, 2005
  2. ^ "Wired: Commentary: Sock Puppets Keep It Shill on YouTube". May 8, 2007
  3. ^ "The Virus of Marketing".
  4. ^ Montgomery, Alan (Mar-April 2001). "Applying Quantitative Marketing Techniques to the Internet" (PDF). Interfaces 31 (2): 90–108. doi:10.1287/inte. Retrieved on 2007-07-10.
  5. ^ "Viral Marketing Alert!".
  6. ^ "Marketers Feverish Over Viral Ads".
  7. ^ "TiVo's Stealth Giveaway".
  8. ^ "Grad Students Redefine Easy Money With $1-a-Letter Web Site".
  9. ^ "Breaking the Code". WWE. November 19, 2007.
  10. ^ Clayton, Corey (November 19, 2007). "Orton burned by the second coming of Chris Jericho". WWE.
  11. ^ "Chris Jericho - Save Us Secret Site". Retrieved on 2007-11-21.
  12. ^ "NEW INFO! Chris Jericho - Savior Self Secret Site". Retrieved on 2007-11-21.
  13. ^ New York Times newsletter
  14. ^ Sporting Clube de Portugal
  15. ^ Penenberg, Adam (May 2008). "Ning's Infinite Ambition" (Magazine). Fast Company (Mansueto Ventures LLC): pp. 76-84.


  • Seth Godin: Unleashing the ideavirus, 2001
  • Emanuel Rosen: The Anatomy of Buzz, 2002
  • Susannah Gardner: Buzz Marketing with Blogs For Dummies, 2005
  • Mark Hughes: Buzzmarketing: Get People to Talk About Your Stuff, 2005
  • Ron McDaniel: Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing, 2006
  • Stefano Calicchio: Pass the Virus! How to exploit the viral marketing to give an uproarious success to your own ideas, 2006
  • Jack Barrow: Satanic Viruses - The fall of the Roman Empire and how to bring it about, 2008, 3rd ed. (first published 1989)

See also